A Comic A Day in May – Day 25: Hot Schitt

Gordon Johnston’s Hot Schitt comes in its own VHS case and the first glimpse I had of this made sure it was something I was going to pick up.

It tells the story of Jack Schitt who is pretty much all your favourite action heroes from the 80’s & 90’s rolled into one and while it’s an age-old tale of a cop that gets the job done by bending/breaking some rules……it’s still an entertaining ride.  He’s taking down three mob families at once and there’s something about his swagger that suggests he can do it too.

As he works up the ranks towards the bosses themselves he manages to dish out pain, police justice & puns in equal measure and I found myself laughing at each and every one.  The story is fast-paced and energetic and the panoramic layout for the art-work takes it to another level as you can almost see the crackle from the old VHS running in the old tape machine.  Set pieces set-up those puns with style and Jack is trucking his way through the bad guys with his sights firmly on making the city a safer place.

Gordon’s done an amazing job on this and with the addition of made-up awards, products and a whole universe around Jack & the comics/movies he’s been in, there’s a potential for this to gain ground with each release.  Nostalgic for sure but a whole lot of fun in a story that speeds along as fast as one of Jack’s punches and with that gritty, grisly art suiting things perfectly I’m in the mood for more Schitt like this.

Check out the Jack Schitt Facebook page for more on this and get hold of one of the last few issues of this over on the Schitt for Sale Etsy shop.



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